Practice-based research
Keeping the Edges Open: Towards a Curatorial Horizon in the Negev Desert Published in 2023 by OnCurating, Berlin, 240 pages, 2023.
South as a state of mind
South as a State of Mind: Curatorial and Artistic Acts in the Face of Cultural Colonialism (Hebrew), 54 Issue of Theory & Criticism, Van Leer Institute, 2020.
EXTREME, Editor of 50th OnCurating issue dealing with art and curating cultivated through unique modes of creation and exhibition in the margins of the globe.
Invisible Museums: The Work of Art in the Age of Storage (Hebrew), Erev Rav Online Magazine and The Department of Visual and Material Culture, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Issue #5, 2020 (Based on a lecture in the Collecting and Provenance Conference, Israel Museum, 2011).
The Art of Freeportism: A Disappearing Act, Chapter Twenty-Three, Collecting and Provenance Anthology, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK , 2021, (Based on a lecture in the Collecting and Provenance Conference, Isreal Museum), 2011.
Art & Architecture
A conversation with Elad Yaron from Empty House (Hebrew), Department of Visual and Material Culture, Bezalel Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Issue #3, 2018.
Art in the Age of the House Committee (Hebrew), on collaborative art, Combina Journal, Erev Rav online magazine, 2016.